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Trials 04 Shadow's Trial Page 15

  you. She cares about you. She's afraid of losing you. She's also

  afraid of confrontation. She needs to learn that you can disagree with

  someone without it getting out of hand," Tom suggested. "Let her know

  that you don't mind if she doesn't always agree with you. Maybe

  B'Elanna and you and I can role model that for her. We don't always

  agree, but we don't get mad or abandon our friendship because of it."

  "She's always acting like each time she sees me, it's going to be the

  last time," Harry admitted. "Do you think she really expects I'm going

  to just walk away? I'm in love with her!"

  "Have you told *her* that?" Torres asked. At his blank look, she

  continued. "She's not a mind reader, Harry. How is she supposed to

  know what you think if you don't tell her? If she's as insecure as Tom

  says, she may need to hear it. And hear it often. I think Tom's

  right." She looked at Paris, her hand going up to stroke his cheek.

  "You are right. I listened to her today. She does run herself down. I

  counted at least three times when she called herself 'stupid'."

  "She's not stupid," Harry protested.

  "I know that. Tom knows that. You know that. But I don't think Malista

  knows that," Torres replied. "I also noticed that every time someone

  mentions the words 'Starfleet Academy', she flinches. And sometime

  soon after that the topic of her 'stupidity' comes up."

  Paris and Kim studied her with something akin to amazement.

  Torres shrugged. "I noticed the correlation. Some of the Maquis have

  kind of a chip on their shoulders about not having attended the

  Academy. With Malista, it's more like she thinks she'd never have

  passed the entrance exam. I tried to ask her about it. She won't talk

  to me either. She's not as comfortable with me as she is with you."

  "I've been giving that some thought, too. She's never had a female

  friend before, B'Ella. Her mother died when she was a kid and she was

  raised with a father and a herd of older brothers. She's not sure how

  to relate to women. That's great, isn't it? She doesn't know how to

  talk to women and she's afraid of men." Paris stifled a yawn. "Harry,

  you keep on doing what you've been doing. Being yourself. Your kind,

  supportive self. Don't push her too hard for information. I'll talk to

  Doc and Chakotay tomorrow and let you know if there's anything else

  you can do to help. And I'll do some snooping. As many gossips as we

  have on this ship, you'd think someone could tell me what the real

  problem is."

  "We're going to help Malista, Harry," Torres reassured the young man.

  "I have an idea or two of my own. She needs to be less passive. Maybe

  I can help her with that. I'm planning on working out with her in some

  of Natwick's self-defense exercises in the holodeck."

  Kim tried not to let his trepidation show as he protested, "B'Elanna,

  that might not be such a great idea---"

  Torres shrugged. "It can't hurt. She and I might do a little female

  bonding while we're getting our adrenaline flowing."

  Paris and Kim exchanged doubtful glances. "We're in this together,

  Harry," Tom said. "We'll find a way to help Malista through this. To

  help both of you."

  Harry Kim went to his quarters, his mind greatly relieved.



  Tom Paris was seated at a messhall table alone when Harry Kim arrived

  for dinner. It was the first time in days that the foursome were going

  to risk Neelix's cooking for the evening meal. It was Tom's idea. He

  thought Malista needed to get out more socially instead of retreating

  to her cabin or Harry's.

  The ensign frowned slightly as he approached. "Where are Malista and

  B'Elanna?" He was a few minutes late himself. He'd expected all three

  of his friends to be waiting for him.

  Paris grinned and shrugged carelessly as he set aside the data padd

  he'd been reading while he waited. "I don't know. I guess they're both


  Kim's frown deepened as he seated himself. "Strange. Malista is always

  on time. Wait a minute!" he exclaimed. "Wasn't today the day they were

  going to try out one of Natwick's battle simulations?"

  When the Engineering staff had completed the last of the replacements

  of a multitude of power couplings, Captain Janeway had authorized

  extra hours off duty as a reward for all their hard work. B'Elanna

  Torres and Malista Shadow had decided to use some of their time off to

  work out together on the holodeck in a combat training exercise.

  "Yeah, so? You think they forgot the time?" the lieutenant asked. He'd

  expected no less. B'Elanna tended to lose track of everything when her

  interest was engaged---at work or at play.

  Harry looked worried. His brow furrowed as he glanced at his

  chronometer. "That could be it, I guess." He didn't sound very


  "Harry, what's wrong? Surely, you don't think---"

  Before Paris could finish the thought, Kim slapped his commbadge.

  "Computer, location of Crewman Shadow?"

  "Crewman Shadow is in Sickbay," came the bland reply.

  Kim bolted from his seat and was out the door before Tom could get to

  his feet. "Harry!" He sank back into his chair, his unruffled

  demeanor belying a sudden twinge of concern. "B'Elanna would *not*

  hurt Malista," he muttered under his breath. But it wouldn't hurt to

  make sure. He slapped his own commbadge. "Computer, location of

  Lieutenant Torres?"

  "Lieutenant Torres is in Engineering."

  Now Paris was frowning. Why had she gone back to work after her time

  off? He hadn't heard of any crisis in her department. She tended to

  try to bury herself in work when she was upset. Maybe Harry was right.

  There might be a reason to check up on the two women. He got to his

  feet and strolled toward the exit.


  Ignoring the startled glances of his crewmates, Harry Kim was all but

  running by the time he reached Sickbay and burst through the doorway.

  He skidded to a halt in a manner more commensurate with Tom Paris'

  famous last minute entrances than his own more proper Starfleet

  behavior. His eyes darted quickly around the room, checking each

  biobed for occupancy.

  "Can I help you, Ensign?" the Emergency Medical Hologram inquired

  sarcastically as he stepped out of his office. "Or did you just stop

  by to catch your breath before the next leg in the race in which

  you're obviously participating?"

  "Where's Malista? Crewman Shadow?" Kim panted, slightly out of breath.

  "Harry?" Malista popped up from behind a console in the surgical bay.

  "Is something wrong?" She looked perfectly fine, though puzzled by his


  He sighed with relief. "No. It's just the computer said---you were in


  "And here she is. What a remarkable coincidence!" the doctor

  exclaimed. "Now that we've established that we're all here, would we

  all like to get back to work?"

  Kim shot him an impatient glance. "I thought she was hurt. She was

  working out with Lieutenant Torres today."

  The doctor nodded
understandingly. "I can see why you might be

  concerned. However, I am an excellent physician and I believe I can

  say with some assurance that if Malista had been injured I would have

  repaired the damage by now. She has been in Sickbay for the last two


  Harry's surprised brown eyes flashed back to the young woman. "That

  was a short workout." It wasn't quite a question.

  She didn't meet his eyes, but returned to working on the panel before

  her. "Yes. We didn't spend a lot of time in the holodeck."

  Kim drew nearer, until he faced her from the other side of the

  console. "What happened?"

  She shrugged and recalibrated the spanner she held with great

  attention to detail before returning it to her kit.

  Now he knew something was wrong. He'd had a bad feeling about the

  whole idea the moment that Torres had mentioned her plan to join

  Shadow in the training simulation. While Malista and B'Elanna might be

  friends off duty, their temperaments were very different---almost

  polar extremes. He had suspected that might cause some problems when

  Torres had offered to tutor Malista in self-defense, but hadn't been

  able to talk B'Elanna out of the idea.

  When upset, Malista tended to withdraw and become quieter. When

  B'Elanna was upset, she tended to get aggressive and loud. It was not

  an ideal teaching situation. Especially not when Torres was Shadow's

  immediate superior in the chain of command.

  "Malista?" Harry said coaxingly, quietly. "What happened?"

  "Nothing." She reached down to pick up her tool box and set it atop

  the console. "I've finished, Doc. That should take care of the

  glitches in the surgical field projector. I just ran a final

  diagnostic of the system."

  Kim came around to stand beside her and took the heavy case from her


  "Harry," she protested, "I can carry it."

  "You can," he agreed amiably, but determined to have his way. "But you

  won't. Not when I'm here to carry it for you." He knew very well that

  she lugged her heavy toolbox all over the ship during the course of

  her shift, but his good manners were too ingrained to let her do it in

  his presence when his hands were empty.

  She beamed a smile at him as if he'd just handed her a bouquet of

  flowers. "Thank you." He'd noticed it before. The smallest courtesy

  from him pleased her out of all proportion to the deed. For some

  reason, that worried him.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the doctor was making a

  face. And some people thought he wasn't real? He became more human

  every moment of his existence in Malista's opinion. "Good night,

  Doctor. Let me know if you need anything else repaired. And as for my

  lessons, I've almost finished studying human anatomy and I've been

  working on learning the emergency procedures. I'll find some time to

  practice them, I promise."

  The doctor smiled at her, pleased with regaining her attention. He was

  more pleased and pleasantly surprised when she kissed his cheek

  affectionately as she passed him. That was the second time she had

  done that. His hand went to his cheek wonderingly as the couple

  exited. He enjoyed having her as a student. She had the proper respect

  for his abilities. She was quickly becoming his favorite

  crewmember----next to Kes, of course. Which reminded him that he

  wanted to talk to Kes about spending less time in airponics and more

  time in Sickbay. She was neglecting him---her duties.

  Harry was determined to find out what had happened between Malista and

  B'Elanna. He wasn't going to let a simple misunderstanding get totally

  out of hand---not this time. Never again.


  Paris was approaching Engineering when Torres barreled out of the

  doorway at full speed---almost ramming speed, but he sidestepped

  quickly and prevented a collision. "Whoa!" He held up a hand, waving

  it lazily in her line of sight.

  She stopped dead in her tracks and glared at him. "What?!" Her chest

  was heaving, her breathing labored as if she'd been exerting herself


  He raised his eyebrows. "You're late for dinner," he said mildly,

  trying a polite, friendly smile. Torres automatically labeled it Smile

  Number Four on the Torres Scale of Paris' Expressions ---polite,

  friendly, slightly concerned---it reached his eyes, but didn't convey

  his feelings.

  "Don't *start* with me, Paris!" She stormed away, leaving a wake of

  tension behind her that he could follow like a path back into the

  Engineering Department. Several faces were staring out at him. Most

  noticeably Joe Carey, who jerked his head at Paris as if telling him

  to follow Torres then rolled his eyes heavenward as if making a plea

  to an unseen deity.

  Tom followed, but at a slower pace. His longer legs made it easy for

  him to trail just behind her, though she was moving more quickly.

  They rode the same turbolift to deck six. Still without speaking, she

  charged off to Holodeck One, where the Sandrine's program was running.

  He hesitated in the corridor, trying to decide if now was the best

  time to talk to her, or if she preferred to be left alone.

  His decision was made for him when she stuck her head out into the

  corridor and snapped, "Well? Are you coming or not?" Without waiting

  for an answer, she ducked back inside and went to find a drink and a

  table---in that order.

  "Thank you for that gracious invitation, Ms. Torres," Paris murmured

  coolly. Lazily lifting one eyebrow, he ambled toward the entrance. He

  took it as a good sign that she actually *wanted* to talk to him.

  Though he'd begun to open up to her more often, it was still a rare

  occurrence for her to let her guard down with him.

  By the time he joined her at 'their' table, she already had their

  favorite drinks waiting and was drumming her fingers impatiently on

  the table. Fortunately, except for the ever present holocharacters,

  the two of them had Sandrine's all to themselves.

  He spun the chair around and eased down onto it with his customary

  grace, resting his folded arms along the top of its back. He put his

  chin on his forearms and just regarded the chief engineer objectively

  as he waited for her to speak---or explode. She was seething. He

  wouldn't have been terribly surprised to hear molten lava was bubbling

  through her veins. He was amazed there was no steam escaping from her


  "What happened?" he asked calmly.

  "Harry was right. It was a mistake to try to work out with Malista!"

  she snapped. "I should have known she'd be hopeless!"

  "What happened?" he repeated in the same unruffled tone.

  "She wouldn't *fight*!" Torres was outraged. Her tone invited him to

  enter into her feelings.

  Paris frowned. "I thought it was a self-defense program. Isn't

  fighting the whole purpose of the exercise?"

  "Exactly." B'Elanna nodded decisively. "But she wouldn't. She wouldn't

  attack. All her moves were purely defensive! She kept backing away!"

  "I assume you pointed this out to her?" he ask
ed mildly.

  B'Elanna got louder. "Yes! She quit! She left the holodeck!! She

  wouldn't fight back!!!" She waited for his response, eyes narrowed as

  she tried to read his thoughts.

  "Just walked out?" Tom raised an eyebrow. His voice was getting

  quieter with each rejoinder.

  "Yes!" Torres replied indignantly. She found herself lowering the

  volume of her own voice to match his.

  "Didn't argue with you?" Tom's voice was soothing. She didn't remember

  noticing before how soothing his pleasant tenor was.

  "Exactly." Torres' voice had returned to its normal tones.


  "What's that supposed to mean, Paris?" She sounded accusatory. "Are

  you taking *her* side?"

  Tom batted his blue eyes at her with exaggerated innocence. "Me? Would

  I do that?" he asked softly.

  Torres growled under her breath. "Yes. You would! But you shouldn't!

  You should have seen her---she wouldn't even fight back at all until

  she was cornered!"

  "Disgraceful," he said, curling his upper lip in scorn. His voice was

  almost a whisper. A contemptuous whisper.

  "Well, it is!" She was gratified that he was finally agreeing with

  her, but not entirely convinced of his sincerity. She took a long cold

  drink of her synthale. "What kind of fighter is she? I'd hate to be on

  an away mission with her. If fighting was called for, she'd go hide